Saturday, December 9, 2006


Finding myself in between
The drunken composition
And sober explanation
Of the self I seek to find -

Spread out before the vastly, small expanse
Of the central Alabama Piedmont foothills
There was a tribute to Hephaestus -
The god of iron that cooled the city’s core

I was lost here once.
As a child, I stood at the foot of a statue
Looking for someone of authority;
To belay my bereavement…

They found me,
Here I am and there I was.
Lost on a small mountaintop,
In a place called Birmingham…


I wrote these poems awhile ago, in a state of war that greatly contributed to my tendencies of creation. When I was a kid, I remember my parents taking me to the Vulcan statue in Birmingham, Alabama. It overlooked the city, and that day was the first time I had seen life from such and incredible vantage point. I don't remember all that I felt that day so long ago, but I remember feeling awe-inspired at the massive monument, and the sprawling land before me.

My parents lost me that day in the crowd. And, when we seek to find ourselves at a much more mature age - we reflect upon the times we were lost before.

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