Saturday, December 9, 2006


Nashville has a way
Of rendering life stolen
Lost dogs and ex-wives chase the starving minstrels down on Broadway Street-

Los Angeles has a way
Of calling home the destitute
And reminding them of all they will never be
Rolling down on Rodeo Drive

And Salt Lake has a way
Of waking up the lost
And calling them to reinvent themselves out on West Temple Street -
To redefine a moment, and a religion built on defiance…

I saw a man sleeping in Hardee’s there
I wanted to ask what brought him here
And what stole away his dignity
What made him bow down, and forget he had knees…

A broken cross lay down,
Fallen between two golden arches
The fat of the land ran down
The streets and alleys
Caressing the savior of the streets
With the stench of the McWhatever… (ambiguous)

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